
Contact person

Miroslav Hampel
chairman of the executive board
+420 596 126 210
+420 731 531 233
Asociace pro inovace v logistice, z. s.
Novoveská 1139/22, 709 00 Ostrava-Mariánské Hory
ID number: 10755713
Data box: 9xxztqf

The association is registered under file number L 19708 at the Regional Court in Ostrava
Bank connection
Komerční banka, a.s.

Management of the association

Executive Board
Miroslav Hampel - chairman of the executive board
Ing. Jaroslav Žlábek - vice-chairman of the executive board
M.Sc. Martin Hynčica - vice-chairman of the executive board
Ing. Roman Netušil - member of the executive board
Ing. David Rozenský - member of the executive board
Supervisory Board
Ing. Jiří Vacek - Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Bc. Richard Wittek - member of the supervisory board
Martin Danisz - member of the supervisory board

Contact form

We will be happy to arrange a meeting with you, where you will get a comprehensive idea of the benefits of our Association.

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    © 2021 Asociace pro inovace v logistice. All rights reserved.